What does SYPA invest in?

For a number of years campaigners have been trying to ensure that the SYPA divests from all Israeli companies and those companies that heavily invest in or trade with Israel. Now that the SYPA is part of Border to Coast the council leaders claim there is very little they can do.

At a recent council meeting Sue Owen read out a statement pointing out the weakness of this argument and insisting that the council bring pressure to bare, via council leader Jayne Dunne – who is chair of the authorty – to ensure the Borders to Coast follows an ethical investment policy.

The campaign is urging pension scheme members to write to their local council and the pension scheme, voicing their objections. The SYPA meanwhile has issued a survey and members are asked to fill this in with thier concerns about ethical investment.

Read more about the campaign here. Find out more from their linktree

To contact the campaign, email campaignsheffielddivestment@gmail.com

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