Next steps, now the flag has been flown …

Letter to the Chief Exec of Sheffield City Council

Dear Kate Josephs

We write to convey our appreciation of the fact that Sheffield City Council will fly the Palestinian flag on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people. This initiative parallels decisions of sister Councils in South Yorkshire to take the same meaningful, symbolic step.

We acknowledge these as gestures of solidarity to the Palestinian people, and a recognition of the many thousands of deaths, injuries, bereavement and displacements endured in Gaza and the wider region.

However, as you know, this day was established by the UN for a different rights-based reason – to recognise the long struggle of the Palestinians for their inalienable right to self-determination, justice and the Right of Return, a struggle now 76 years old. The current most brutal phase of this has been identified by the highest courts in the world (the ICJ and ICC) as unlawful occupation, apartheid, and plausible genocide, all crimes against humanity.

We look to Sheffield Council to take the same moral and political lead today in the face of Israel’s egregious crimes, as they did in 1981, in the context of the South African anti-apartheid struggle. 

We believe that this issue unites people in Sheffield from all backgrounds and is the moral litmus test of our generation. We ask you to strengthen the symbolism of today’s raising of the Palestinian flag by adding to it concrete actions which unequivocally demonstrate the Council’s acceptance of the rulings of the ICJ.


  1. Confirm that the city will fly the Palestinian flag annually on November 29th as used to be the case not long ago, in recognition of the UN’s International Day of Solidarity with Palestinians.
  2. Commit to a rigorous application of the full powers that the Council has under Public Contracts Regulations regarding investments/links/partnerships with any company complicit with Israel in the commission of its crimes.
  3. Revisit the decision not to declare Sheffield an Israeli Apartheid-free Zone. We recall your saying in the Strategy and Resources Committee that such a political statement was within the remit of the Council and we ask that these discussions be opened once more.
  4. End Council reticence on describing the true nature of Israel’s crimes: we ask you to ensure that all Council officers and all elected members use the terms clearly established by the ICJ to describe Israel’s actions, (unlawful occupation, apartheid and plausible genocide).

As you will understand, our fixed intention is to make our city an Israeli apartheid-free zone and we hope that you will partner with the very wide solidarity movement in our city to advance this legitimate cause.

From :  ……………………………………………………………  (on behalf of the Sheffield Palestine Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid)