It was our great privilege to listen to Mahmoud Zwahare from Al Maasara, near Bethlehem. Mahmoud is an inspirational activist and speaker who with great courage and humility resists the occupation.

He talked to us last night about the bold incursions of settlers , their brutality and desire, aided and abetted by the Israeli Occupation Forces, to humiliate and subjugate Palestinian people. But he also told us about the deep sumud of Palestinian people, its magical source and indefatigability – and as a result Palestinians will never be defeated.
His poetic and passionate talk emphasised the need for truth and he equated the debate about whether this is a genocide with the debate about whether the sun revolves around the earth or the other way round.
“You are the Galieans” he said ” Do not underestimate the importance of your support!”
We also learnt of the links being made between the agricultural workers that Mahmoud represents and land workers in Sheffield, based at Regather. Drawn together by love of the land and the need to sustain it, these links are a powerful layer of solidarity